Sunday FUNDay:
Split up in teams of 2, one person “judges” while the other one works, then switch

Open WOD 14.1
30 Double unders
15 Power snatches (75/55)

Another FUNday, another open WOD. This time 3 year ago. We were still under construction during this Open so the few people that actually did it here did it in the Foundations Room when it still had a hardwood floor. Ah memories!

The WOD itself is deceptively simple. Start of with 30 Double unders then it’s 15 Power snatches. Repeat as many times as possible in 10 minutes. The genius of this one is several layers deep. First we slam the heart rate into overdrive be leading off with 30 Double unders (and it’s only 30 so no time to relax and get into a flow). Then we are asked to do 15 reps light weight reps of a very technical movement that, despite the light weight, still takes a fair bit of power generation. This will further ramp up the heart rate and require even more oxygen. Be prepared to be gasping for breath in a shockingly short amount of time.

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