Today is the fourth day of our Fit It Forward Challenge. This week, we’re working on spreading our happiness!

Fit It Forward Challenge Day 4: Find their genius.

Everyone is really, really good at something. Taken out of context, that ‘genius’ may seem trivial, but it’s a sign of larger things. One of my favorite things about my husband is his genius for scientific facts. Want to know all about the glucose pathways in the body – Dirk can tell you. Want to learn more about fast twitch and slow twitch muscles? Dirk knows. Want to know the best way to can tomatoes or boil eggs? He’s got the answer.

We spend a lot of time finding ‘bright spots’ for Recursive family members. Our collective pursuit of fitness provides a great opportunity for nurturing genius. Look at our Accomplishments board – Jamie and Rachel getting their first double unders, Brent and Justin getting their first bar muscle ups. Emily doing her first pull ups in a workout.

It might be hard to uncover genius–or forget genius–outside the gym. When your husband, who is a genius at making coffee, leaves the door open too long, or forgets to take out the garbage, try to focus on the coffee today. You don’t have to forget about the other stuff, but tell him that his genius is appreciated.

The quiet uncovering of genius is a crime. If you see something, say something.

Let us know you’re doing the challenge! Tag yourself in this picture in our facebook stream (or the Recursive facebook page) and make it your profile pic for the week!

You don’t have to tell anyone what it means if you don’t want to, but we wanna know that the Recursive Family is doing some good out there!

The picture looks like this:


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