The Lure of the Kip

Or: Should I walk before I learn to crawl? No, you shouldn’t.  Thank you for reading.  Stay tuned for our next exciting article! I wish it was this easy. I have more issues getting buy in from people on this than just about any other facet of CrossFit. I don’t...

How Much Is Too Much?

I often get asked how much training, CrossFit training in particular, that an individual should be doing. I, myself, have struggled with over- and under- training over the years. The answer, unfortunately, isn’t black and white. There isn’t a magic formula to...

How to Scale Appropriately

A question that gets asked a lot, and one that you should be asking and thinking about, is how to scale your workouts appropriately. 1. Your Coach/Trainer should definitely be able to guide you through this. Talk to them. They should already know a bit about you and...
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