I don’t particularly like competing. I’m certainly never going to dominate CrossFit and win dozens of medals (even at my age as a “Masters” athlete), but I try to sign up for a competition every 6 months anyway. It gives me a smaller set of specific things to work on and a timeline and deadline to do it.

Having a purpose makes me work a bit harder to increase my work capacity while at the gym too. Having something to work towards add value to each minute spent at the gym.

The nerves that day will actually help you push a little harder and go a little faster than you think that you can. The adrenalin pumping, your friends cheering you on – it’s contagious! Athletes often surprise themselves with the things they can do on competition day.

It’s good to train specifically for something once or twice a year.

It’s nice to have a smaller set of movement goals to work on. There is a such a wide variety of movements in CrossFit, it’s nice to have a list and reason to work on some of your weaknesses.

It’s good to have a deadline and a timeline. Humans work better that way.

It’s good to step out of your comfort zone. Even if competing is not going to be your thing long term, it’s good push yourself in a variety of ways.

We all need to learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

At the gym we’ve been doing a lot of Goal Setting Sessions the last few weeks. I have recommended competitions to many of you for all of these reasons. A really good first one to do is Festivus. They have an individual competition in April and usually a partner comp in October. April is a good amount of time away to get prepared. And the workouts are already posted so you know what to work on.

We are happy to help you get prepared as well. Let me know and we can figure out the best plan together.

Now go step out of your comfort zone – that is where all of the amazing growth happens!

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