Broad Jump
Vertical Jump
3 warm ups, then 3 attempts each athlete

100 Double Unders
100 ft Walking Lunge (3 lengths of the gym)

We are working on jumping this month! Let’s go ahead and set that baseline and test your max effort standing broad jump and then your vertical jump. Each athlete will get 3 warm up attempts and then 3 actual attempts. You score will be your 1 longest/highest distance.

We have another fun couplet today! Double unders and walking lunges for 14 whole minutes. You will want to pace yourself a little bit on this one. 14 minutes is a bit longer time to work. 100 double unders, if you are proficient) should take you under 2 minutes. 100 feet of walking lunges, which will be 3 lengths of the gym, should take a little less time than that. Keep a steady pace during the lunges and slow your heart rate and breathing down so you can go back and hit those double unders hard.

This is a good workout to practice some double unders. Talk with your Coach and pick a number to work towards – something that doesn’t take you more than 3 minutes. Aim for that every round.

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