(3-3-3) 3-3-3-3-3
Tabata Hang Power Clean (135/95)
Tabata Front Squat (95/65)
Tabata Push Press (75/55)

Score is total reps of all 24 cycles

Today for our deadlifts we our lowering our rep count which means upping our intensity in weight and percentages. Try to work into heavy sets of three, also try to maintain good position up and down with the barbell and cycle reps instead of dropping at the hip, this will pay off huge over time in control and form. 

After our strength work we are keeping those barbells out for a little intense playground of three different movements. Going through three full tabata cycles (8 rounds of :20 on and :10 off) the weights will gradual decrease while the movements change.

For modifications on this WOD, make sure you still have three different weights between the three movements. After each full round we’ll rest long enough to switch out weights and begin again. Try to keep moving during each section of 20 seconds and keep track of your reps, total score is all the reps from the completed cycles. Happy Monday

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