Scenerio Sunday!
Today’s Mission:
Date – April 18, 1775 Location- Middlesex County Massachusetts

On the morning of April 18th General Thomas Gage, the royal military governor of Massachusetts and commander-in-chief of the roughly 3,000 British military forces garrisoned in Boston, gave orders to a mounted patrol of Redcoats to find Samuel Adams and John Hancock. At the same time, he sent 500 men to search out and destroy any weapons and ammunition possessed by the Patriots of the Whig party in Massachusetts.

Luckily General Gage’s wife (who was New Jersey born and a colonial sympathizer) gave intel to you and your men that the Redcoats were coming! Paul Revere, Joseph Warren, and William Dawes set out to assemble the Massachusetts militia in preparation for the battle.

Before Revere and the others left on their historic ride, they entrusted you to begin hiding the stockpiles of munitions the militia has accumulated. The munitions are located inside an armory in the town center.

Your Mission:
Move 10 loads (10 Rounds) of weapons and ammo (50M Farmers Carry) to a barn on the Revere farm on the outskirts of town. Once you arrive you must hide your cargo on the upper loft in the barn (10 Presses).

The Workout:
10 Rounds
50M Farmers Carry (50lb DB’s, or whatever you have that’s heavy)
10 Shoulder Press (30lb DB’s, or Ammo can lifts)

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