Front Squat
5-5-5-5-5 (plus 3 warm up sets of 5 reps)

4 Rounds
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Strict Toes to Bar
100′ Walking Lunge
200m Run

What do you get when you mix a Power Clean and a Front Squat? A full squat clean! Front squats go very well with the Power Cleans we are working on this month. A lot of people struggle to stand up with heavy weight after they catch it. Front squatting will help. You will need to keep your chest nice and upright with that bar resting on your shoulders in that good front rack position. We’ll work on some mobility to be able to get into a good front rack position. You’ll also work your core and back muscles fighting to keep your chest upright so that bar doesn’t pull you forward and you lose the bar – a common occurrence. (This is also why people can back squat more than they can front squat.)

After that. Let’s work on some other strength moves – like strict pull up, strict toes to bar (that’s a lot of gripping the pull up bar today…) some walking lunges and then a short, quick sprint to make sure we get that heart rate up. Enjoy the first round when you are rested, the next three will be a bit tougher once you’re out of breath and your heart rate is elevated.

Time Cap: 18 minutes
Should be enough time to really spend some time working through these strict movements. Working on the movements is more important that doing them quickly today.

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