Power Snatch

21 Dumbbell Thrusters
400m Run
18 Dumbbell Thrusters
400m Run
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
400m Run

Power Snatch day! We will review proper technique during the barbell warm up. The focus today will be a good set up and start position. With a movement like the snatch where you take the bar from the ground all the way to overhead (upwards of 8-9 feet!) in a split second, that start position has to be perfect. A one degree error on the floor translates to a 20 degree error overhead.

Then we are going to grab some dumbbells and work through 21-18-15 reps of thrusters, with a 400m in between. Your legs may feel tired the first few steps of that 400m run. You may also be very aware of your shoulders while running today too – those thrusters will do that!

Dumbbell thrusters are an upgraded kind of suck. With a barbell the strong side will compensate for the weak side, that is not the case with single arm movements!

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