• CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • First Aid/CPR/AED Certified

Most inspiring CrossFit Games Athlete?
Rebecca Fuselier! She proves size doesn’t matter to be an elite CrossFit competitor, and she’s a very positive influence for the sport.

TV Show you watch over and over?
“Always Sunny in Philadelphia.”

Scariest movie you’ve seen?
“Audition” (a Japanese film from the late 90s)

Is a hot dog a sandwich?
No, incorrect!

Least favorite CrossFit Movement?
Dumbbell overhead walking lunges.

You’re going on a road trip and at the gas station you get to buy chips, candy, and a beverage. What do you choose for each?
Beef jerky (substitute for chips), gummy bears, and grape-flavored Gatorade

List your pets!
I have a Cockapoo named Ruby Buttons and a Japanese Chin named Lindy who whistles while she sleeps (her front middle tooth is missing)

If you work outside of the gym, what do you do?
I’m an Art Director at a video game company in Middleton.

CrossFit movement you have worked hardest on?
Handstand push-ups

When and why did you start CrossFitting?
I was really out of shape and unmotivated four years ago. I joined CrossFit for the team aspect that makes the atmosphere more fun and equally competitive.

Why did you initially choose Recursive as an athlete?
Recursive was in a cool location along my regular bike route, so I decided to check it out!

Why did you decide to become a CrossFit Coach at Recursive?
I enjoy being around others who are passionate about what they do, so the opportunity to help individuals accomplish aspiring goals is a great reward to me.

What is your favorite thing about Recursive?
The community and the inclusive environment.

What is your favorite Recursive memory?
Hitting a PR on my thruster during the CrossFit Open last year.

What is one of your proudest Recursive Coaching moments?
Spotting a member PR their bench press, which took a staggering five seconds to lock out.

How has Recursive changed your life?
Recursive has helped to improve my overall health and well-being, and I’ve met so many amazing people here that I’m proud to know and workout with.

What is something else fun you’d like to share about yourself?
I’m an avid traveler and love dropping in at local gyms wherever I go!

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