Today is the fifth (and final) day of our Fit It Forward Challenge. This week, we’re working on spreading our happiness!

Fit It Forward Challenge Day 5: Teach a friend to squat.

Sitting down and standing up will save your knees, your health, and maybe your life.

Teach that friend, spouse, coworkers – whoever! to squat and post a picture of their squat on CrossFit Recursive’s facebook page.

Then, we’ve got a prize for you to give your friend, coworker, or spouse who learns to squat under your guidance today. Click here to see it.

Today, you get to teach your friends to squat properly AND offer them FREE registration for our upcoming CrossFit Boot Camp.

Let us know you’re doing the challenge! Tag yourself in this picture in our facebook stream (or the Recursive facebook page) and make it your profile pic for the week!

You don’t have to tell anyone what it means if you don’t want to, but we wanna know that the Recursive Family is doing some good out there!

The picture looks like this:


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