5 Sets, alternate between
Tempo Presses 5-5-5-5-5
*Hold overhead for :03 and control descent for :03
8-12 Single Arm Kettlebell or Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

5 Rounds For Time
3 Deadlifts (Heavy)
6 Strict Ring Dips
9 Knees to Elbows (Unbroken or 5 burpees penalty)

Purpose of the Workout:
Continuing on with our strength focus of the month, the press, we are going to be doing 5 sets of 5 presses paired with single arm rows. For the presses, we are going to be holding the bar overhead for 3 seconds and controlling the bar down for 3 seconds.

The (isometric) hold and (negative) controlled descent are great ways to build pressing strength. The single arm rows are a great accessory movement to build strength for pull ups, muscle ups, etc.

For our strength focused WOD, we are going to be doing heavy deadlifts, strict ring dips, and a large unbroken set of knees to elbows. While this combination and variation of these movements won’t be metabolically taxing, it will challenge your muscle endurance for each movement.

The reason for the burpee penalty during the knees to elbows is to create an incentive to go unbroken in order to challenge that muscular endurance component we are working on today!

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