Back Squat 20-20
(2 Attempts to Find 20RM)

4 Rounds of 1:30 On/1:30 Off
20/16 Calorie Assault Bike
AMRAP in Remaining Time of Max Strict Pull Ups & Max Hand Release Push Ups

Purpose of the Workout:
The purpose of our squat portion today is to find our 20RM! The 20RM is a great test of our strength endurance and also mental toughness as around rep 15 we are going to want to rack that bar. For 20 repetitions, our weight should be somewhere in the range of 50-55% 1RM and we do not want to take more than :02 between reps.

The second part of our WOD today is also a test of our strength endurance (AKA stamina) in regards to our push ups and pull ups but will also have the added twist of having to perform these with an elevated heart rate due to the assault bike!

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