Passion is an interesting topic. I feel that, along with most everything else now, people are very polarized on the subject. One side says passion is the most important thing in life, without it you are sunk. The other side of the argument is that passion is bogus and people should stop chasing this phantom emotion and just get to work.

I think passion is just like any other tool in our tool box. When used correctly it can be an amazing asset and when used poorly it has the potential to make a problem worse. If you only ever use a hammer to screw nuts and bolts together you are going to be very disappointed. You will probably tell every single person you meet that hammers are useless and people should just get rid of them all!

Passion can work a bit like that. You have to remember that you have other tools at your disposal. Determination, commitment, hard work, good habits, etc. Passion will never work as a replacement for all of those, and in fact, if you try to use it like that you will probably find that it doesn’t necessarily help as often as you want it to.

You need to build a framework in your life to support all of the things you need to balance on a daily basis. Work, play, family, nutrition, fitness, etc. All these things are important, but if you only work on the things that you have passion for, when you have a passion for them, you will find a lot of unfinished projects, loneliness, and poor health.

You need to use the passion for the low times to get you through, but you also need to just double down and eat healthy even when you don’t want to. Go to the gym even if it has been a long day (or its early in the morning). Make those good habits. Dedicate yourself to a task. Commit to building a better you.

Passion can help, but it can’t carry the whole burden!

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