Partner WOD:
400 Meters (1 Person Farmers Carry a DB or KB; Switch At-Will)
10 Rounds (5 Each) of 10 Calorie Row + 5 Burpee Over Rower
400 Meter Run with a Medicine Ball
10 Rounds (5 Each) 10 Push Ups + 5 Pull Ups
400 Meter Run (Sprint)

Extra Credit:
3 Sets
15 Bicep Curls Each Arm
20 GHD Sit Ups
15 Stationary Dips

Purpose of the Workout:
Today’s partner workout has 3 different variations on traveling 400 meters and two 10 round couplets between. The goal here is to get done as quickly as possible!

There is some extra credit today if you so choose to partake. Our focus is on our biceps, triceps, and core!


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