Partner WOD:
From 0:00-20:00 Each Partner Finds 3RM Power Clean
From 20:00-26:00 Max Reps Power Cleans at 115/75 (Switch At-Will)
From 26:00-30:00 Each Partner Rows 500 Meters For Time

Purpose of the Workout:
Our Saturday partner WOD has 3 different parts. The purpose of the first part is for each partner to find their 3RM power clean. You may do as many sets as you would like within the first 20:00. Once the clock hits 20:00, you and your partner will have already stripped the bar to a much lighter weight and will accumulate as many power cleans as possible in the 6:00 allotted.

You may switch up who is working at anytime but only one person will be working at a time. The last 4:00 of the workout is dedicated to each partner rowing 500 meters for time. This is meant to be an all-out effort and both partners should be able to finish in about 4:00!

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