Partner WOD:
From 0:00-20:00 you and your partner will each find your 3RM Clean and Jerk (Score is combined Weight)
From 20:00-30:00 AMRAP 5 Dumbbell Squat Clean and Jerks + 5 C2B Pull Ups (Each Rep=1lb added; Partners alternate Rounds)
From 30:00-35:00 AMRAP Row For Calories (Each Cal=1lb Added)

Purpose of the Workout:
The purpose of today’s Partner WOD is to get as many pounds at the end of the workout as possible. Starting out, you and your partner will have 20:00 to find your 3RM touch and go clean and jerk. Your score is the combined weight of each partner.

After that, there is a 10:00 AMRAP where each rep will count as a pound added to the total. To finish up, we have a 5:00 row for calories with each team choosing when to switch. Each calorie will count as 1 pound.

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