800m Run
13 HSPU (or DB Push Press)
13 DB Muscle Clean (50/35)|(35/25)*
13 Box Jumps (30/24)
400m Run
13 HSPU (or DB Push Press)
13 DB Muscle Clean (50/35)|(35/25)*
13 Box Jumps (30/24)
200m Run
13 HSPU (or DB Push Press)
13 DB Muscle Clean (50/35)|(35/25)*
13 Box Jumps (30/24)
*Sumo stance for DB Muscle Clean

5:00 Foam Rolling Focus on Upper Back and Lower Legs

GOAL – A chipper-style mashup of movements today for you. You should try to push the run harder than you want to today. For the sets of 13, aim for bigger sets/unbroken for fittest athletes and short quick sets for all athletes.

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