10:00 For Quality
1 Goblet Squat + 5 Strict Presses (In Bottom of Squat)
:20 Hollow Hold

2 Rounds of 6:00 On/ 3:00 Rest
10 Box Jumps
15 Wall Balls
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings

Purpose of the Workout:
The purpose of the first part of today’s workout is to “deconstruct” the overhead squat. On a 10:00 running clock we will have the opportunity to practice and build strength in the bottom of our squat position, test our flexibility required to achieve a sound overhead position, and work on building the necessary core strength to maintain stability on the overhead squat.

Our WOD today contains some classic CrossFit movements and will be a good indicator of how well we can recover between longer intervals of work time with less rest. The goal here is to get at least as many rounds/reps in the second interval as the first!

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