Sumo Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
*Build to a heavy set of 3 (Not Touch and Go)

For Time
10-1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
1-10 Push Press/Jerk
*Every Minute Perform 10 Lateral Bar Jumps

Purpose of the Workout:
Traditionally on our secondary strength day, we do some variation of our main strength focus. Today is similar but different. We will be doing deadlifts but the sumo variety of them. The main purpose here (other than getting stronger) is for you to determine which variation your prefer and works better for you as an individual. Some people prefer the conventional deadlift while others are more effective at the sumo. Just like Monday, we will be building to a virtuous set of 3 heavy reps which are not touch and go.

Our WOD today is a couplet of Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and Push Presses/ Jerks. The rep scheme today will result in 11 total reps each “round” meaning we have 110 reps all-in. The caveat here is that each minute you will have to perform 10 lateral bar hops before you can get back on your bar to chip away at this. At 3,2,1 GO, you will perform 10 SDHP’s + 1 PP/PJ followed by 9 SDHP + 2 PP’s/ PJ’s etc…

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