DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)….
6 Russian KB Swings (70/53)|(53/35)
Reps increase by 6 every minute. 6-12-18…and so on

-Rest 3:00-

DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)…
5 Up-Down Box Jump Over (20)
Reps increase by 5 every minute. 5-10-15…and so on

-Rest 3:00-

DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)…
4 Kipping Pull-Ups (C2B Optional)
Reps increase by 4 every minute. 4-8-12…and so on

*7:00 Cap on all “Death By” Rounds. If fail before 7 completed rounds, drop down at least 2 levels from where you failed and then continue.
(No Measure)

Goal – As the reps increase look to increase the cycle time of the movement to give more time to rest before the next minute. Scale back if unable to finish a round and continue to build from there

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