Bench Press
5 Sets of 3 Reps. (Warm Up 3 Sets of 5 Reps)
*Build to a 3RM

“Bear Complex”
5 Rounds of 7 UNBROKEN Sets
Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press.

Score = Add the weight you used for each of the successful rounds.

For the strength portion today, we are going to be building up to a 3RM on the bench press. You should be able to perform 3 reps at about 93% of your 1RM so target that in the 4th set and go slightly heavier in the last set. If you are unable to finish the set, your spotter will assist you.

We are going to tackle the infamous Bear Complex today! This workout consists of 5 rounds. Each round you will be doing the Bear Complex 7 times without resting or putting the bar down.

Your score will be the sum of the weight used in each of the successful 5 rounds (i.e. if you let go of the bar that round does not count towards your total). The coach will explain how to ‘blend’ the Bear Complex together using a Cluster and then a behind the neck thruster. 

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