Double WOD
#1) For Time (Cap=10:00):
Hang Power Clean
Toes to Bar

5:00-8:00 Rest/ Mobility

#2) 4 Rounds
2:00 On/ 2:00 Off
20/16 Calorie Assault Bike
AMRAP Double Unders

Purpose of the Workout:
Since Friday is a power day, today we are going to include in a variation of our monthly focus but integrate it into a double WOD day! Our first WOD is a couplet with ascending repetitions of hang power cleans and toes to bar. The goal here is to finish as quickly as possible or get as far as you can before the 10:00 time cap.

Our second WOD is a also a couplet featuring the assault bike and double unders. On this one we will buy-in with the calories on the assault bike and then accumulate as many double unders as we can in the remaining time. The tricky part here will be finding the balance between going hard on the bike to give yourself more time but not so hard that you have to take any kind of prolonged rest on the jump rope.

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