Tempo Front Squats 5-5-4-4-3-3
*:02 Descent + :02 Hold

2 Rounds For Max Reps
:45 Strict Pull Ups
:15 Transition
:45 Seated Dumbbell Press
:15 Transition
:45 Kipping Pull Ups
:15 Transition
:45 Push Press with a barbell
:15 Transition
:45 Chest to Bar Kipping Pull Ups
:15 Transition
:45 Push Jerk with Kettlebells
:15 Transition

Purpose of the Workout:
Today’s strength portion features our focus our monthly focus front squat with a controlled descent and a pause in the bottom. The purpose of the controlled descent and the pause are to increase the time we are under tension or the time we are moving the weight and thus the stimulus of the lift.

Our strength biased WOD today features a couplet of various vertical pull and push movements. The purpose here is to add some variety to which implement or variation of those pull/ pushes.

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