Sunday FUNday!
6 Sets: Build to a max weight of 3 Back Squats + 1 Front Squat
Max Hold in Push Up Position
*20/15 Calorie Row Each TIme you Break Perfect Form or Rest

Purpose of the Workout:
For our Sunday Funday we are going to start out with some squatting. Today’s sets will feature both back squatting and front squatting. The challenge here is the single front squat directly after the back squats as we cannot front squat as much and will be fatigued from the back squats. This style of set is really directed at being able to stand up from a heavy clean if we are already fatigued from previous sets.

Our WOD today is all about the push up plank position hold. Your score here will be the total number of minutes + seconds held in that position. Each time we break perfect form or drop to our knees we will be required to completes a 20/15 calorie row.

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