Back Squat

3 Rounds of 2:30 On/ 2:30 Off
2 Muscle Ups (Ring or Bar), 4 Chest to Bar Pull Ups, 8 Kipping Pull Ups, or 12 Ring Rows
50 Single Unders, 25 Double Unders, or 5 Triple Unders
*Pick up where you left off each round

Purpose of the Workout:
The purpose of our strength portion today is to work on some muscular stamina related to back squatting. We are going to achieve this by performing 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Our WOD today is written a little bit in the style of one of those “choose your own adventure” books. Each athlete will have the opportunity to choose some kind of pulling variation and jump rope variation. The objective here is to choose variations of each that you are able to move continuously on but are challenging!

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