Every 1:00 For 14 Rounds
Odd: :20 Max Floor Presses 135/95 or 95/65
Even: :10-:20 L-Sit Hold

12:00 AMRAP
10 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches (5 Each Side)
1 Lap of Gym Shuttle Run
10 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches (5 Each Side)
2 Laps of Gym Shuttle Run
10 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches (5 Each Side)
3 Laps of Gym Shuttle Run
10 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches (5 Each Side)
4 Laps of Gym Shuttle Run
Follow This Pattern Until Time Expires

Purpose of the Workout:
Our strength portion today is a pairing of floor presses and L-Sits. We have not done bench or floor press in awhile and will have the opportunity to work on the necessary strength and skill in order to perform the L-Sit.

Our WOD today should be a fun 12:00 couplet that features some quick shuttle runs and dumbbell power snatches. The goal here is to move at a steady pace on the snatches and get those shuttle run laps done quickly!

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