6 Sets:
5 Floor Presses + 5-7 Plyometric Push Ups

From 0:00-2:00
Run 200 Meters + AMRAP Double Unders
From 2:00-5:00
Run 400 Meters + AMRAP Double Unders
From 5:00-9:00
Run 600 Meters + AMRAP Double Unders
From 9:00-14:00
Run 800 Meters + AMRAP Double Unders

Purpose of the Workout:
Today’s strength portion is a couplet of floor presses and plyometric push ups. Right after we complete our 5 floor presses, we will go straight into out 5-7 plyo push ups. The goal here is to be as explosive as possible…it is a power day after all!

For our WOD, we have a combination of running and double unders. Each “round” will increase the run distance by 200 meters and give you an extra minute which means we should be able to get about the same number of double unders each round.

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